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77 files in 13 albums and 2 categories with 0 comments viewed 727 times |
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Dorff Visit9 viewsDinner time


Challenge2007 Little Quilt Group8 viewsJulayne Capps - "Wheel and Deal"

The Drum Corp Mover10 views

Laura Lickteig7 viewsLaura made flowers for the bowl I made her for Christmas!!

Spring Blooming6 viewsFlowers in bloom on the Ford Canyon trail in the White Tanks

Tisha enjoying the AZ sun11 views

Last additions |

Early morning Alan7 viewsMar 12, 2009

Alan and Mia1 viewsMar 12, 2009

The girls at the Zoo4 viewsMar 10, 2009

the work continues1 viewsMar 09, 2009

Lincoln's 200 Birthday3 viewsMar 09, 2009

The Wall3 viewsMar 09, 2009

7 viewsMar 20, 2008

10 viewsMar 20, 2008